Each year, across the United States, thousands of homeowners come to find out they have birds living in their home. The birds use the ventilation systems on the exterior of the home to build their nest. The three most common signs are hearing chirping or screeching coming from vents, noticing debris or nesting material around external vent entrances and finding droppings on the walls near vent entrances. If this is the case for you, you may be wondering, “How much does bird removal cost?” This answer can vary depending on your home and the severity of the infestation. Bird removal services variables include: How many laundry room and bathroom vents do you have? How many bird nests do you have in those vents? And how long have the birds been living in those vents?
How many laundry room and bathroom vents do you have?
The first variable to consider in bird removal cost is the number laundry room and bathroom exhaust fan vents do have in your home. Each of these vents are a potential home for birds. The standard price for bird removal services for your first vent is $299. A typically bird removal service includes: remove any birds from the occupied vent, clean the vent of all nesting material, sanitize the vent to remove bird lice and odors, and install a bird-proof vent cover. However, it is very important to consider your other vents as well. You may have more than one occupied vent. You also need to consider bird-proofing your other vents as well.
How many bird nests do you have in those vents?
The second variable to consider in bird removal cost is: “How many bird nests do I have in my vents?” If you catch your issue early, then you may have only one occupied vent. If you wait to address the issue, then the odds of you having more occupied vents increases significantly. Similar to a bird feeder, birds nesting in your home will entice others to join. Your home will be perceived by other birds looking to build a nest as a “safe bird sanctuary”. Once this occurs, your bird problem will multiply rapidly, thus making the cost of your bird removal project increase, too. This is why it is so important to catch the issue at the first sign of a bird infestation. The standard bird removal cost of each additional nest is $149.
How long have the birds been living in those vents?
The third variable to consider in bird removal cost is: “How long have the birds been living in my vents?” It is important to note that the longer you wait to remove any birds from your vents, the more damage they can do to the interior ductwork. Birds will puncture holes in the ductwork. If this occurs, a bird one-way is installed to remove the birds from the vent. The cost to replace this ductwork can start at around $500 and requires multiple appointments to remove the birds and complete the repair. The other issue with not removing the birds as soon as possible is that they will attract more birds to other exposed vents around your home. This increases the likelihood of more damage to your home and additional cost.
What should I do to my other vents?
The last variable you should consider in bird removal cost is: “What should I do to my other vents?” The typical louver style vent cover does not keep birds out of the vents. The birds simply lift the louvers with their beak and squeeze their way into the vent. This repeated re-entry usually results in them breaking the louvers over time. We recommend that you replace your other vent covers with bird-proof vent covers as a preventative measure to ensure that the birds cannot access them.
Most likely birds still present in your neighborhood will build nests in any unprotected vents. Approximately 80% of our customers who elect to not cover their other vents, call us back within a 2-3 weeks to schedule another bird removal service. This is why it is best to agree to cover all vents on the first service call, because the sooner they are properly covered, the quicker you not worry about more birds making their way into your home. The cost of additional vent cover installation is $49 per vent. In most cases, the cost to cover all your additional vents is less than an additional $299 bird removal service call.
What is my next step to resolve my bird issue?
It is important to get rid of birds as soon as possible to eliminate the health risks and home damage associated with bird building a nest in your home. Each member of the Varmint Gone team is a professional, trained in handling bird removal and decontamination. Schedule an appointment online or call 888-391-3330 for an appointment with a specialists at Varmint Gone to resolve your bird situation.
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